

Young Apprentice

  • Fourteen years and older
  • Vocational interest
  • Work site visits
  • Opportunities for work study
  • Interview rehearsal


Competitive Employment

  • Interviews
  • Job coaching placement
  • Banking/Checking/Savings/Budgets


Apartment Living: Stage One

  • Staff supervision and monitoring
  • Video coaching
  • 24 hour visual monitoring


Apartment Living: Stage Two

  • Independent living
  • Staff monitoring and coaching
  • Group meetings to discuss living experiences
  • Living in community experience
  • 24 hour visual monitoring
  • Public transportation
    • Local
    • Distant
  • Meet with staff
    • Community college experience
    • Job experience
    • Peer interactions at work and at Briggs Center
    • Pay raises
    • Supervisory evaluations
    • Self evaluations regarding level of independence